Katya Melvin is a leading women empowerment expert and speaker. Katya’s speaking style is passionate and emotional. With her charismatic storytelling Katya breaks the chains that keep so many women thinking and playing small and inspires women to come out of their shell. Katya encourages women to not settle and be fully authentic with the way they present themselves to the world. Katya inspires women around the world to live fully, speak their truth, express their opinions, raise self value, become financially independent, live the life on their terms. Recommended Topics Living Life from the Feminine place. Finding the magic that was long forgotten. With the world set up in a masculine way in order to serve masculine structures we women often struggle to find our place under the sun. We have been taught by the society that the only right way to live our life is to adjust to masculine structures and systems. Katya is telling the truth about living an epic life as a woman. There is a place for masculine energy, however the energy of receiving is a feminine energy. Finding the balance between giving (masculine) and receiving (feminine) is the more fulfilling way to live life. Finding magic is about bringing that innocent child like excitement back into your life. Only from that place one can find joy and happiness that was so long forgotten. Women’s seductive superpower. Seduction has become a dirty word in our porn filled, man dominated society. We have forgotten that back in times when women had no masculine power, they used the power of seduction to bring forth the fulfillment of their dreams and desires in a feminine manner. Seduction is not about being vulgar and drive for sex. Seduction is an art of attraction in relationship, business and even politics. Most women in United States are so disconnected from the feminine energy that they have no idea how much they are missing out. Katya teaches women how to use that untapped superpower in order to bring forth and manifest things women desire in their lives. Meant for more. Living life full of passion and purpose. When we were little girls we all used to have dreams. Some of us wanted to become singers, doctors, astronauts. However, as we moved forward in life we have become distracted and disconnected from the magic of being able to decide what we are meant to fulfill in this lifetime. The time has come to fully embrace our purpose in life, our purpose that is based on our passions. Katya dives deep and gives women the overview of what it would be like to live the life of passion and purpose. And we all know deep inside that we are meant for so much more. We all know that we are beautiful, bright, gorgeous women we are meant to have a bigger impact and live bigger life than what we are currently settling for. The time has come to stop settling for life of co-dependent relationships, fear of opinions, fear of being judged. The time has come to fully embrace our purpose in life, our purpose that is based on our passions. Katya dives deep and gives women the overview of what it would be like to live the life of passion and purpose. And the truth is- each one of us has a beautiful and meaningful purpose that we came here to fulfill. Each one of us is learning a lesson and teaching a lesson to the people around us. Alignment over Hustle. Using spirituality as a driving force to lead your team, business and money. When Katya started her business, she used to follow mass culture approach of hustling. She believed that working 24 hours a day and getting ahead of competition was the only way to succeed in life and business. That has only led her into the state of being overworked, addicted and still broke. The energy about the business was tired, desperate, and very unattractive for clients. The philosophy of leading her business from a place of being a light worker has completely freed Katya from the masculine idea of competition and therefore resulted in clients who were divinely guided to be led by Katya in her spiritually based approach to business. Katya has developed daily rituals and procedures for personal life and business to open up and receive higher guidance and to her disbelief she has noticed how her business soared with clients, money, new opportunities that came her way. Later in her career she has learned that being in alignment with spirit, allowing guidance from the higher place was much more fulfilling way to lead business. She has started coming from a place of being a guide to her clients, a messenger of higher power, instead of being full of herself, a mistake so many solo entrepreneurs currently do. This mistake causes loss of devoted clients, meaningful relationships and so much more. When she was able to receive the divine guidance she has been launched into the business of her dreams. In this talk Katya is teaching how to lead life and business from that place of alignment. Avoiding Burnout by setting up your business based on principles of spiritual replenishment. If you are like the 99 percent of business owners who started passion business, you have waited for so long for the clients to start rolling in. It did not happen overnight and you had to work hard to get the momentum going. Now at full speed your clients started breaking the door and more work has presented itself than you can handle. With all that business that is finally rolling in, we have consciously chosen to take on more clients and more business in order to be able to make more money. And all because our fears and memories of our humble beginnings still playing out strong. We completely forgot that we also need a break and our cup is running empty. As women entrepreneurs, we all not only have the perfectionist princess sitting inside of us and she is telling us to do things ourselves so they can be done right. Our inner mortar is telling us that no one can do it better. We have become bitter and no longer excited for the money that were coming in with these clients. We were no longer able to give to our clients our best. We were no longer able to work from the place of excitement and energy of beautiful exchange. This unexcited an unhappy place is called burn out. Burn out happens when you don’t want to wake up and roll out of bed in the morning, even if someone is paying you big chunk of money for your service. Coming from that place causes so many of us close businesses, lose spark and desire for what was originally started as a passion, lose clients who don’t connect with the low level of interest and energy in that business, lose team members who are no longer excited to work for that business and find their good elsewhere. Burn out happens when we don’t have the skills and knowledge and the level of intuition to properly set up business procedures to replenish ourselves energetically. We become bitter because we don’t have help or not willing to let go of that perfectionist mortar slave girl mentality. Katya goes over specific points on how to set up business based on principles of replenishment and spirituality in order to keep sustainable business full of excitement. KATYA IS NOW ACCEPTING PODCASTS AND ONLINE SPEAKING REQUESTS!