What is self-value? Everything that you have in your life right now is in direct proportion to your own self-value. Everything that you have—the job that you work, the career that you’ve built, the clothes you wear, the food you eat—reflects the value you project upon yourself. It is your idea of how much you are worth and what you deserve. Many of us feel guilty about having too much, so we keep telling ourselves that we don’t need much and make do with a little. Others have it all but believe the world is limited, that we are not enough, and that we don’t deserve better lives. There is a universal law that you get no more or no less than what you ask for. In many cases, we tend not to even ask.

It all comes down to what you feel you deserve. Many of us think that we don’t deserve love, so we don’t get success in relationships. Some of us feel that we don’t deserve money, so we struggle to pay our bills. Some of us feel that we don’t deserve to be attractive, so we don’t like ourselves or our appearances. At some point in your life, you made a decision, or you were influenced by people around you, to believe that you don’t deserve things fully. When we are born, the universe is our cradle. We are full of love and have an inner knowledge that it is abundant and that we deserve to be loved and cared for. As we go through life, we consciously or subconsciously collect ideas that we are not enough and that there is a limited supply of things we want—love, money, happiness. Sometimes we subconsciously start mimicking the lives our parents had. If our parents struggled with money, we likely accepted that subconsciously as a child as truth. If you currently have good money, it means you were able to overcome that idea, progress, and succeed.

When we believe the nonsense that we are not enough or don’t deserve things, we block the organic flow of life-giving energy, which is happiness. We start believing and therefore accepting negative thoughts, which blocks the energy flow in our bodies and causes health problems in different areas of our bodies.

Self -value is about honoring both the spiritual and physical at the same time. It will reflect on the outside just as it does on the inside.

When you honor yourself, other people honor you as well. They pick up on this invisible vibration that surrounds you and start treating you just as you want them to. And you know what else happens? If people don’t treat you the way you treat yourself, you don’t allow them a place in your life. This helps you identify the right people to be surrounded by.

You become unavailable for any other outcomes than the one you have created for yourself by honoring yourself. Every once in a while, you have to raise those standards. If you own a business, you must raise your prices to the point that they are uncomfortable. Only then do you grow. If you’re tired of the way your partner treats you, stand up for yourself and tell them to change or leave. They will either rise to your level or walk away.

Self-value is more than just raising your personal opinion of yourself. It is raising the bar for your life standards—better relationships, more money, a better job, a more enjoyable apartment, or an ocean-facing view.

If you don’t change your mindset first, you will stay where you are. Nothing in physics stays where it is; we are either moving forward or backward. If you’re staying in your comfort zone and not willing to change how you perceive yourself, the only way is backward. That contradicts the whole purpose of why you are here in this world. You are here to learn and grow, make better choices, and be a better person, have fun, and enjoy life and expand.

When we talk about self-value, there is no better combination than to talk about self-love. Please don’t mix being egocentric—someone whose ego is blown out of proportion, sometimes due to massive insecurity—or the pop culture term “narcissistic”—a person who gaslights others to make themselves look good in all scenarios—with loving and honoring yourself, as well as loving and honoring other people in your life. Society has defined selfishness as a negative concept, but how about a new word—self-full? When you fill yourself with self, you are in alignment with who you came here to be and allow yourself to live life for pleasure and excitement, following the path of highest joy, which yields even more dreams fulfilled.

When we talk about self-love, we imply that you will devote time to yourself. You will do things that make you happy on a daily basis. You will ask yourself, “What is one thing that I will do today that will make my day epic?”

When you ask yourself that question, you subconsciously affirm that you are here on earth to have fun. You tell the universe that you deserve fun. You claim your right to have a beautiful, happy life full of adventures.

When you ask yourself this question, you manifest that there is no plan B. By asking this question every time, you will learn to do something for yourself that will honor all the hard work you put into your life.

How do I make sure that people don’t call me egocentric or a narcissist? When I was growing up, my mom always called me an egoist, implying I only thought about my own desires and benefits rather than others’. This offended me and made me feel bad. It made me feel that I was doing something wrong. Although I could not understand how wanting something for myself was bad, she repeated that statement to me until I believed it. When I left home at 19, I finally released myself from all the negative judgment I received from my family. However, I still had this belief inside me that had become part of who I was. I am glad to inform you that this is no longer my belief. I have rooted it out of my system by affirming that there is nothing wrong with wanting good and happiness for myself and things that make me happy. The truth is, when someone tells you that you are egotistic, they are implying that you should give something to them instead, because, of course, they are not egotistic, right? It is okay to want good things for yourself, happiness, and things that make you laugh and bring you joy. This does not infringe on your divine right to have those things. It is in your divine nature to be in abundance and not cut anything out of your life. It is in your divine nature from  the universe to want good things for yourself. You have an internal measurement instrument inside of you that tells you whether something is good or bad. If it’s good, it feels good. If it’s bad, it feels bad. It’s as simple as that.

Do Not Settle for Less

There is a big trap in settling for less because it will set you back years. You will eventually be unhappy with where you are, and the place you are at will no longer satisfy you. Settling may have been an improvement from your previous state, but by settling, you may forget your true purpose. Years down the road, you will still want the original thing you desired. The Universe fulfills all. You don’t need to sacrifice. You can have your cake and eat it too. You can have the new car and a dream vacation; you don’t need to choose one or the other. Lack consciousness is a false premise. Abundance prevails. Abundance is your ability to do anything you want at any time, and if money is needed for abundance, then the Universe will provide it.

In conclusion, self-value is the cornerstone of a fulfilled and abundant life. It is the internal compass that directs what we attract and accept in our lives. By understanding and embracing our true worth, we unlock the potential to experience richer relationships, financial abundance, and overall well-being. It is essential to recognize that our self-worth directly influences the quality of our experiences. The journey towards higher self-value begins with self-awareness and the conscious decision to honor ourselves in all aspects of life.

Furthermore, raising our standards is a crucial step in this journey. As we elevate our self-value, we inevitably start to demand more from life and those around us. This process might involve making uncomfortable decisions, such as raising prices in a business or setting firmer boundaries in personal relationships. However, these actions are necessary for growth and alignment with our true potential. By continuously challenging ourselves to raise our standards, we invite greater success and happiness into our lives.

Lastly, the concept of self-value is deeply intertwined with self-love. Embracing self-love means dedicating time to ourselves and doing things that bring us joy and fulfillment. It is about shifting from a mindset of lack to one of abundance, recognizing that we deserve all the good things life has to offer. By filling ourselves with positivity and love, we create a ripple effect that enhances our overall life experience. Ultimately, valuing ourselves is not selfish but rather an essential practice that enables us to live authentically and joyfully, fully embracing the abundance that the universe has to offer.

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Dreamer, Fighter, Entrepreneur

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